Last Update 3 năm trước


Place Arm Pads face down on a flat surface. Place the Arm Brackets over the Arm Pads, lining up the mounting holes. (Note: seam on Arm Pads should face the back). Push Arm Bolts through Lock Washers, then thread into holes and hand-tighten slightly on one side and then on the other to ensure holes are evenly aligned. Hold Phillips Screw Driver (or Phillips Head on Multi-Tool included) fully upright, take care not to cross-thread and strip the Bolts, and tighten both sides firmly.

Slide Arm Brackets into Arm Mount Brackets under each side of the Seat. Place a Lock Washer and then a Flat Washer over each Hand-Wheel Stem. Thread Hand-Wheels into holes in the Arm Mount Brackets enough to hold them into place. Adjust the Arms to the desired position and tighten the Hand-Wheels so there is no play in the Arm.

Slide the Back Upright Bar into Rear Seat Bracket. Place a Lock Washer over the end of each Back Bolt. Line up the three mounting holes and using a 3/16″ Allen Key (or 3/16″ Allen Key Head on Multi-Tool included), slightly thread at least two of the Back Bolts in to hold the Back in place. Add the third Back Bolt and tighten fully each with 3/16″ Allen Key.

Test the chair functions and adjust to your desired position. Enjoy your new LIFEFORM® Office Chair! If you require more detailed instructions or additional help in putting your chair together, please contact your selling dealer or LIFEFORM® Customer Service at 1.888.934.4867, Canada and USA Toll-Free or +1 403.720.3966 Local or International.

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